I was watching a movie the other day and one of the characters said something like 'it's human nature to bounce back and get over things'. I then thought about the complete relevance and truth of this statement, and not just my truth but the universal truth.
It's in our genes to recover. The want, the need, the thirst for something more is always within us even when we have fallen down, all we want to do is to escape or to improve. All we want is for the pain to go away. I don't think anyone actually enjoys living in complete misery. So why doesn't this thought help change or comfort us when we are feeling like our troubles are the biggest and there is no way out? It's because we are blinded by the thoughts that are relentlessly roaming around in our minds, these negative thoughts that don't seem to have an off button. It would be easier if we could turn them off instantly but hey where's the fun in that? Life isn't about the easy way out. It's about finding strength in your misery. If happiness was just handed out to us like a piece of paper would it carry just as much value? Would it even exist?
The most important thing I've learned all year is that time helps you heal. Everything passes with time. Pain isn't something that you get over-it's something that you learn to live with and you will learn to live with it because it's in your nature to survive. You weren't born to throw in the white towel at the first sight of a challenge. You were born to live through it.