Monday, April 30, 2012

How to vanquish your evil

There is so much dark in this world trying to infect us. It lingers in our thoughts, but more importantly our minds. It's incredible how fast it spreads and takes over our whole entire being, our essence and our persona. All it takes is one negative thought to derive from one situation/event/relationship/person and then BAM the disease is running through us. Good news folks, this disease has a cure. The negativity that has situated itself right beside you and has given itself the deceptive title of a "friend" can be destroyed. A positive thought is the most powerful destroyer of all evils because as you all already know, good most definitely triumphs over evil. When you fall down, the crystal blue sky can look a mile away, however once you make that conscious decision to shoot up nothing can stop you. It's all about being aware of your reality, aware of your mind, aware of your thoughts because these things have the power to end you. These things have the power to shape your existence and to corrupt your awareness. They want to control you and they want to infect you. These corruptions are found in your every day lives my friends. All it takes is for an uneasy feeling to multiple itself times a hundred and there you sit adding more negatives to the list of "things you hate about your life". I've said it before and I'll say it countlessly: If you focus on the negatives that's what you will bring into your life. If you focus on the positive, your life will feel limitless. Who wants to watch a movie about a person who relentlessly fails and continues to drown themselves in their self pity without making a single perserveric (that's right I just created a word) change towards the better. Ahhh let me tell you that NO ONE. We all want to live successful lives. Regardless of what people say, they don't actually want to be miserably depressed, they have created a sanctuary of familiarity around their negativity which is why they refuse to evacuate it. Come on now, we want to see movies about people who have risen against all odds when no one would've expected it. We all want to be victorious and the only way to bring said notion into our lives is to THINK POSITIVE because nothing is more powerful than the power to CHOOSE one's thoughts.

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

"The mind is a superb instrument if used rightly. Used wrongly, however, it becomes very destructive. To put it more accurately, it is not so much that you use your mind wrongly — you usually don’t use it at all. It uses you. This is the disease. You believe that you are your mind. This is the delusion. The instrument has taken you over."

Oh Neil you've done it again!

What we call “work” can, and should, be a joy. It can be that for you beginning now—no matter what you are doing.
Simply see the daily work of your hands as the pathway to where you want to be. Then, be grateful that life has given you this path.

Monday, April 9, 2012

There is something that this band does to me that no other can do.

Sunday, April 8, 2012

I am actually the luckiest person alive.

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

One of my stand out personality traits, or I'd probably particularly call this a character trait, anyway is not being able to accept things. It doesn't happen with everything, sometimes not even with big occurrences. Sometimes someone in my life could speak to me a certain way and I have trouble accepting and understanding how they could have that tone or attitude with me. It's stupid but it comes out of habit and
I sometimes like to attach the "I can't help how I feel" cop-out statement to each of my feelings whenever I have trouble accepting that in life things just happen. It's how you deal with them that provokes you to show some strength and courage forcing
you to either hold on to your disappointment or allowing you to decide to let go. Even this past week I've been battling with the idea that I've lost the passions I used to hold close to me or I didn't necessarily have a certain niche which is bullshit. One of my best friends said to me last night that writing was my niche and I replied with "but I haven't published anything" ,
which in fact is also an incorrect statement. She said "what about those musicians that aren't famous, does that mean they are any less talented?". How wise is this girl I thought and you know, I came to realize that I have come to value my
current jobs a little less than I should because they weren't the jobs I had idolized.
It's funny how we don't stop to think about the fact that we're on
a journey towards something and not everything is going to run smoothly and how you handle these not so smooth occurrences is a direct reflection on your outlook and what you believe in. All I know is that everything is a blessing and that we as people have the power to live through anything as long as we continue to persevere.

Sunday, April 1, 2012

Life is about staying true to yourself and doing things because YOU want to not because you think other people want you to. Life isn't about doing things to make friends, it's about doing things to make a difference.